Cipher gets caught sneaking around the Medei College of Magic. Eliera starts a fire.

In these posts, I talk about the campaign I play in and our most recent session!


Last session, Cipher was investigating whether anyone at the Medei College fits the description of the soul mage they’re trying to track down. He followed an informant back to her office… but he was quickly caught by the professor he was looking into.

Meanwhile, Eliera has been getting to know some of Cipher’s family members back at the Capello manor in the city.

In this session…

After a terse interaction, Cipher made up an excuse (bolstered by his disguise) for why he was there. The professor, a shadar-kai named Urania, still seemed a little suspicious of him, but she teleported him out of the college without further incident. Cipher couldn’t make it all the way back to the city that night, so he stayed at an inn.

Meanwhile, Eliera has set the Capello manor on fire after an argument with one of the family members. She, Ivellios, and Naivara escape the manor in the ensuing chaos. However, the next day, the fire at the esteemed family’s home is all anyone can talk about, and Eliera is wanted in the city. She sends Ivellios into town to send a message (through sending) to Cipher about meeting back up… and also that she’s sorry about the fire.

Cipher is shocked to hear about this and returns home quickly. He sees that while some were injured, no one was killed in the fire, though the front part of the manor will need serious repairs. His thoughts about this are a little hard to discern. After a conversation with the void, he moves to meet up with Eliera, but who knows how he feels about all this?