Nala speaks with Mijira through dream. Baala’rug becomes a wanted man. The party starts climbing a mountain.

In these posts, I talk about the campaign I play in and our most recent session!


Last session, the party struck a deal with Sivanti, leader of a crime organization. In exchange for Nala’s support, Sivanti will spread misinformation to help obfuscate the party’s movements. The party also exchanged information with Sivanti.

The party learned that a string of serial murders has tested the limits of what the dragonborn council can cover up. They suspect these killings may have to do with Baal, god of murder and Baala’rug’s father…

In this session…

With Finnith’s dream spell, Nala catches up with Mijira Mystan. She learns that the main suspect in the serial killings is someone named “Baala’rug”. Right after the dream spell ends, late at night, Allora notices that the Knights of Sand have surrounded the inn.

They quickly go to alert Baala’rug and the rest of the party. In a split second decision, Baala’rug asks Daear to teleport them to Angorod in the Grey Crescent Mountains. Finnith quickly casts Mordenkainen’s magnificent mansion to get everyone out of the blizzard.

The plan is as such—the group will lay low here, on the other side of the continent, while Sivanti’s information spreads. Meanwhile, the party can climb the mountain and investigate the lead Baala’rug has about Caelynn Amastacia and the last amethyst dragon. They can also use this time to make a plan for when it’s time to return and go to Ekuros.

Allora contacts her mother, Tymora, who helps the group get down the mountain to prepare. Allora introduces Sora, Baala’rug, and Daear to her parents: Tymora, the goddess of luck, and Lucan Fëanor, Finnith’s uncle. Tymora gives the party good luck charms for their journey, and the party resupplies for the cold weather.

With this, the party is ready to begin their ascent.