One bard's take on D&D and other things

Month: April 2019

Guest Players

If you follow D&D streams like Dice, Camera, Action, you’re probably familiar with the occasional guest player—a player not normally part of the group who comes in temporarily to play a character. In DCA, these guest players either play a character of their own creation or an NPC from the adventure Chris Perkins is running.

We can use this idea in our home games, too!

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Making Homebrew Items for Your Group

I started homebrewing D&D stuff in the first campaign I ran—mostly magic weapons and other items. We’ve talked about homebrew before, but let’s get a little more granular. There’s just something special about designing an item with a specific player and a specific character in mind! More than that, I enjoyed seeing the creative ways that my players used these items.

Below are some resources and advice I’ve found helpful when making items to deploy in my games:

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