One bard's take on D&D and other things

Month: May 2021

Learning from Other Games

Dungeons & Dragons is the game I started with and the game I’ll always enjoy. You can do a lot of things with the system to make the game that’s the most fun for you and your players.

D&D is one of the most popular tabletop role-playing games, but there are many other options as well! We can learn a lot from playing other TTRPGs. This post discusses how you can pull inspiration from other games to help improve your game.

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What We Know about Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft

The upcoming Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft is just around the corner, with a release coming later in May! Wizards of the Coast have already sent out some advance copies, and many of these recipients have graciously shared some snippets. For example, we can now see the table of contents for the book!

In this post, I’ll talk through what we can expect to see once Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft hits the shelves later this month.

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SBotLL Campaign Diary: The Meeting

It happened! The session I’ve been excited about for ages finally happened this weekend. In our over 5-year-old campaign of two parties, both groups of characters have come together in the real Material Plane.

These posts are where I talk about the campaign I play in and our most recent session!

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