One bard's take on D&D and other things

Month: April 2021

Looking at UA: Draconic Options

Unearthed Arcana is swooping in once again with new dragon-inspired player options! This is a beefy, 7-page document including new dragonborn options, a new kobold option, feats, and spells.

The “Looking at UA” series is where I take a look at new Unearthed Arcana from Wizards of the Coast! This is all playtest material that may appear in future UA or in official D&D books.

Let’s get into it!

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SBotLL Campaign Diary: A Moment Five Years in the Making

It’s happening! The two parties of the campaign I play in are finally going to meet—no extraplanar shenanigans, no dream situations, they’re actually meeting in the Material Plane.

I don’t usually make posts like this after the Underdark group/evil squad session, but that was the session where their trajectories have been aligned. Both parties are set on a collision course. And I’m very excited about it!

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New Campaign Project Update: Playtest Prep

My first playtest deadline is coming up at the end of this month, and I still have plenty of work to do! But I’ve made good progress so far.

I’m writing a homebrew campaign in the style of a Hades-esque roguelike. I’m going to playtest it with my group before I finalize it and run it for real! These posts talk about my experience making a campaign from scratch. The last homebrew campaign I ran was much more improvisational than this. But D&D 5e isn’t made to fit this campaign idea right out of the box, so there’s some design work I need to do beforehand!

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