One bard's take on D&D and other things

Tag: homebrew (Page 1 of 2)

New Campaign Project Update: Playtest Prep

My first playtest deadline is coming up at the end of this month, and I still have plenty of work to do! But I’ve made good progress so far.

I’m writing a homebrew campaign in the style of a Hades-esque roguelike. I’m going to playtest it with my group before I finalize it and run it for real! These posts talk about my experience making a campaign from scratch. The last homebrew campaign I ran was much more improvisational than this. But D&D 5e isn’t made to fit this campaign idea right out of the box, so there’s some design work I need to do beforehand!

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New Project: New Campaign!

Well, it’s only been about four weeks since I finished Curse of Strahd, and I’m already putting work into a new campaign. Truthfully, I’ve been tinkering away at this during the weeks leading up to the final CoS session. Now I have time to put some serious work into it!

I’ll be writing about my progress and process as I write this new homebrew campaign! First, let’s talk about the ideas behind it and what I need to do (and why) to playtest it with my group.

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Making Homebrew Items for Your Group

I started homebrewing D&D stuff in the first campaign I ran—mostly magic weapons and other items. We’ve talked about homebrew before, but let’s get a little more granular. There’s just something special about designing an item with a specific player and a specific character in mind! More than that, I enjoyed seeing the creative ways that my players used these items.

Below are some resources and advice I’ve found helpful when making items to deploy in my games:

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