The party learns why Sora, the amethyst dragonborn, approached them. Nala gets to practice her diplomacy and her combat skills.

These posts are where I talk about the campaign I play in and our most recent session!


Last session, Baala’rug and Finnith uncovered some secret lore in the Library of the Deep. On their return, they ran into an amethyst dragonborn named Sora. Sora identified them as part of Nala’s party and said she had business with the princess of the Turnuroth clan.

In this session…

Sora reveals that she is the last amethyst dragonborn. She’s searching for a way for the gem dragonborn to be represented in the dragonborn council. Since Nala is the next heir of the Turnuroths, Sora wants her to provide an introduction to the council.

Nala fills Sora in on the troubles of the Turnuroth clan, which she is aiming to fix soon. Sora agrees to help the party resolve things so that Nala will introduce her to the council.

Sora notes that if Nala hadn’t agreed, she would have challenged her to a duel over it. Nala is still interested in gauging Sora’s fighting abilities. So, the two agree to spar the next day.

Nala opens with a powerful sneak attack, but Sora’s martial prowess as a monk wins out. Though Nala may seek a rematch, the group is encouraged to have another powerful ally on their side!