In this session, the party once again runs out of time before making it further into the temple area. But, in the tavern, they uncover something troubling about one of the threshold guardians…

In these posts, I discuss my roguelike-inspired D&D campaign sessions.

In this session…

The party fell a bit short of a new encounter, but they’ve leveled up and have made improvements to their equipment. I think with these changes and a bit of luck, they’ll be able to make a serious breakthrough!

In the tavern, they discovered that one of the threshold guardians is actually the husband of Lyari, the tavern owner. But from their interactions with him in the dungeon, it seems that he’s being manipulated somehow.

This upsets Enna, one of the PCs, who goes and confronts Selen. Selen is one of the two characters who have mysteriously appeared in the tavern, and the party has suspected that they’re part of the powers behind this situation. Enna’s direct confrontation leads to him revealing that yes, he is one of the distorted voices who is in control of the “box” everyone is trapped in. And he’s interested to see what the party does next…

For next time

The party has several new leads to investigate, so I have some roleplaying content to flesh out. The information they have now casts their boss encounters in a new light.

If I have extra time, I could make things easier for future-me by finishing up some of the encounters awaiting the players at the end, and starting on ones I haven’t sketched out yet.

I’m excited to see what happens next!