The party reaches what seems to be the final encounter, but they run out of time. It seems that they’ll have to think strategically about their plan for next time!

In these posts, I discuss my roguelike-inspired D&D sessions.

In this session…

The party made it through the third threshold guardian, the shadow dragon. Beyond that room was a backstage area that opened out into a large theater, complete with a spectral audience. The two villains—who they knew previously as Soleil and Selen—appeared, calling themselves Tragedy and Comedy. The ensuing fight was tough, and the party ran out of time.

Back at the tavern, they discovered that Ivnir, the shadow dragon, was there in a somewhat humanoid form. Her memories of what happened before everyone was trapped were preserved. So, she made a deal with the party: if they figure out why and how the twins are running this show, she’ll tell them what she knows.

With some NPC conversation and lots of discussion, the party puts the pieces together: the twins are using the emotions of everyone trapped here to empower themselves.

For next time

The party has some additional questions for Ivnir, so I’ll need to make sure I have my thoughts in order for that.

Things post-final fight need to be polished, though I already have an outline.

At this point, it’s mostly writing instead of setting up mechanics. But, I do need to keep an eye on the difficulty of the final fight in case some tweaks need to be made. For now, everyone wants to keep trying it as-is, but I may have made it too difficult.