The party makes further progress, approaching the end of the Dungeon and whatever awaits them there.

In these posts, I discuss my roguelike-inspired D&D sessions.

In this session…

The party successfully reached and defeated the third threshold guardian, a shadow dragon. They’ve secured the final shard of Lucia’s power (that they can get right now), and all that remains is whatever lies beyond the final guardian. Thankfully, switching over to roll20 from Astral Tabletop went alright.

Back at the tavern, they give Lucia the shard back, and she assures them that she’ll do everything she can to help them in the Dungeon now.

To celebrate and prepare for their next run, Thorin casts heroes’ feast back at the tavern with the NPCs. They spend time with their friends and make plans to find everyone once this is all over.

At the end, one of the villains makes their appearance, inviting everyone to “the best show of the season” that will be “the climax of the story”.

For next time

I’ve got some writing and some finishing touches to do for the final encounters! After that, I’ll need to make sure all of this can wrap-up in a satisfying way. This campaign was always meant to be a shorter one, but I wasn’t sure how long it would take to get to the end.

There’ll be some final encounters, and then we’ll do an epilogue to see what happens to the characters after the story. Hopefully that will make for a satisfying end! I’d estimate that we have 2-3 sessions left.