In the Shadowfell, Finnith and Daear enter the Fortress of Memories. Meanwhile, the rest of the combined party are dealing with Amuulqalo’s unexpected loss, and Nala receives a message.

In these Campaign Diary posts, I talk about the campaign I play in and our most recent session!

About SBotLL

SBotLL is the campaign I play in that has been running for over five years now. There are two parties: one mostly good-aligned party that started on the surface, and one mostly evil-aligned party that started in the Underdark.

The good-aligned party includes these characters:

  • Finnith (me), high elf bard/rune scribe
  • Nala, dragonborn rogue
  • Allora, tiefling/elf ranger

It also includes Allora’s animal companion, Frikka the bear, plus the NPCs Amuulqalo and Rupert.

The evil-aligned party includes these characters:

  • Eliera, dark elf/high elf ranger/warlock
  • Cipher, changeling rogue/mystic (currently operating as a human named Albion)
  • Baala’rug, tiefling monk

This group also includes Eliera’s animal companion, Artemis the dire wolf, plus the NPCs Naivara, Ivellios, and Daear (played by me).


Last session, the party on the Material Plane sought to destroy the mysterious crystal connecting this plane with another. Amuulqalo disappeared after he was caught in the crystal’s explosion. It seems unlikely that he survived…

In this session…

In the Shadowfell, Finnith and Daear follow Nebra to the Fortress of Memories. Nebra helps guide them through the barren wasteland, avoiding the various monsters that haunt the area. He also tells the two about the unknown entity that has taken over the Fortress. The Raven Queen instructed Nebra and Antonio to deal with the entity, so that’s what they’ll do.

They sneak through the Fortress and reach a central altar. A masked figure is there, and Nebra helps Finnith and Daear coordinate an ambush. Antonio appears in the fight as well. After defeating the unknown entity, Finnith is delighted to reunite with Antonio.

Meanwhile, the group on the Material Plane is dealing with the unexpected loss of Amuulqalo. Nala and Allora are affected the most, while tensions between Naivara and Ivellios only exacerbate the situation.

Nala receives a faint sending that sounds like Amuulqalo’s last words. She relays this to the rest of the group. Eliera and Allora are optimistic that they should be able to find a way to locate him, but the rest of the group is unsure that they have any chance of saving him. Destroying the crystal severed the bond between this plane and the star spawns’, and it seems like that is where he is now… and regardless, Finnith and Daear are still trapped in the Shadowfell. The group will have to come together on a conclusion soon.