In February 2018, MCDM Productions had their first Kickstarter, Strongholds & Streaming. It was wildly successful, and now many backers (including me) have received their backer rewards!

I wrote a more in-depth review of the Strongholds & Followers content already, but let’s take a look at this shiny new hardcover!

The book has a good weight to it. The cover and pages are pretty glossy, which looks great but is a little hard to capture pictures without glare! It’s a good quality product. It’s something I’ll want to be careful with but I also know can hold up to the inevitable wear and tear of use.

The art inside looks incredible in person. It’s perfect for making you curious about the content accompanying the illustrations.

Personally, I can’t wait to use one of these creatures and show it to my players. Stuff like this gets me excited to DM.

So far, I’ve been able to use the Retainer rules in my Curse of Strahd campaign. I think the players enjoy being able to control their NPC friends in combat.

And as a player, I’d love to build a stronghold! A bard’s theater sounds like a lot of fun roleplay, but I also really like the spell research rules.

And, the thought of fighting one of these creatures instead of running them is similarly exciting.

If you like Matt Colville’s streams and video content, this book is great for learning more about his world and employing his content in your own game. The book is a nice hardback, and the art turned out incredible in print.

You can buy Strongholds & Followers and other MCDM stuff here. (not an affiliate link)

Have you gotten to use any Strongholds & Followers content? What do you think? Let’s talk!