The Friendly Bard's Companion to Various Things

One bard's take on D&D and other things

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What We Know about Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft

The upcoming Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft is just around the corner, with a release coming later in May! Wizards of the Coast have already sent out some advance copies, and many of these recipients have graciously shared some snippets. For example, we can now see the table of contents for the book!

In this post, I’ll talk through what we can expect to see once Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft hits the shelves later this month.

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SBotLL Campaign Diary: The Meeting

It happened! The session I’ve been excited about for ages finally happened this weekend. In our over 5-year-old campaign of two parties, both groups of characters have come together in the real Material Plane.

These posts are where I talk about the campaign I play in and our most recent session!

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Looking at UA: Draconic Options

Unearthed Arcana is swooping in once again with new dragon-inspired player options! This is a beefy, 7-page document including new dragonborn options, a new kobold option, feats, and spells.

The “Looking at UA” series is where I take a look at new Unearthed Arcana from Wizards of the Coast! This is all playtest material that may appear in future UA or in official D&D books.

Let’s get into it!

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SBotLL Campaign Diary: A Moment Five Years in the Making

It’s happening! The two parties of the campaign I play in are finally going to meet—no extraplanar shenanigans, no dream situations, they’re actually meeting in the Material Plane.

I don’t usually make posts like this after the Underdark group/evil squad session, but that was the session where their trajectories have been aligned. Both parties are set on a collision course. And I’m very excited about it!

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New Campaign Project Update: Playtest Prep

My first playtest deadline is coming up at the end of this month, and I still have plenty of work to do! But I’ve made good progress so far.

I’m writing a homebrew campaign in the style of a Hades-esque roguelike. I’m going to playtest it with my group before I finalize it and run it for real! These posts talk about my experience making a campaign from scratch. The last homebrew campaign I ran was much more improvisational than this. But D&D 5e isn’t made to fit this campaign idea right out of the box, so there’s some design work I need to do beforehand!

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New Project: New Campaign!

Well, it’s only been about four weeks since I finished Curse of Strahd, and I’m already putting work into a new campaign. Truthfully, I’ve been tinkering away at this during the weeks leading up to the final CoS session. Now I have time to put some serious work into it!

I’ll be writing about my progress and process as I write this new homebrew campaign! First, let’s talk about the ideas behind it and what I need to do (and why) to playtest it with my group.

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Looking at UA: Folk of the Feywild

It’s time for a new Unearthed Arcana article! This time, Wizards of the Coast (WotC) is showing playtest versions of four Feywild-inspired character options.

In the “Looking at UA” series, I talk about the latest Unearthed Arcana playtest options! These are options that could appear in later Unearthed Arcana articles (in an edited form) or in an official expansion (in their final form).

This article introduces options for playing a fairy, a hobgoblin of the Feywild, an owlfolk, or a rabbitfolk!

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