Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop roleplaying
games are full of unexpected situations. This is part of what makes the game
fun! No matter which side of the DM’s screen you’re on, you’re never completely
in control of the game. What happens is up to a combination of chance and the
players at the table.
So, it’s important for everyone to be comfortable and enjoy
themselves at the table.
Monte Cook Games, a company known for the Cypher System and games like Numenera, has released a free PDF called Consent in Gaming by Sean K. Reynolds and Shanna Germain. It’s available at DriveThruRPG.
With the “Tackle mature content with confidence!” tagline, Consent
in Gaming aims to give players and DMs/GMs “the strategies you need to make
sure everyone at the table has a great experience, even when the game goes in a
challenging direction.”
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