The Friendly Bard's Companion to Various Things

One bard's take on D&D and other things

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Looking at UA: Fighter, Ranger, and Rogue

Finishing out this round of Unearthed Arcana subclasses are the fighter, ranger, and rogue! Now, each official class has received a new subclass. I wonder what WotC is cooking up back there…

Also, the survey for the last article is up, so go make your opinions known for the cleric, druid, and wizard UA!

This most recent article introduces a giant-inspired fighter, a stranger ranger, and a spooky rogue!

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Looking at UA: Cleric, Druid, and Wizard

It’s time for more Unearthed Arcana! Surprisingly enough, we’ve got three new subclasses this time, one for the cleric, druid, and wizard classes. All that’s left now to get UA subclasses are fighter, ranger, and rogue! If you haven’t already, don’t forget to take the survey for last UA’s bard and paladin subclasses.

Let’s get into it—we’ve got an intrepid cleric, a fiery druid, and a pretty unique wizard to look at!

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Consent in Gaming by Monte Cook Games

Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop roleplaying games are full of unexpected situations. This is part of what makes the game fun! No matter which side of the DM’s screen you’re on, you’re never completely in control of the game. What happens is up to a combination of chance and the players at the table.

So, it’s important for everyone to be comfortable and enjoy themselves at the table.

Monte Cook Games, a company known for the Cypher System and games like Numenera, has released a free PDF called Consent in Gaming by Sean K. Reynolds and Shanna Germain. It’s available at DriveThruRPG.

With the “Tackle mature content with confidence!” tagline, Consent in Gaming aims to give players and DMs/GMs “the strategies you need to make sure everyone at the table has a great experience, even when the game goes in a challenging direction.”

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Looking at UA: Bard and Paladin

New Unearthed Arcana is turning into a trend, and I’m not complaining! So far, we’ve gotten UA for the barbarian and monk, the sorcerer and the warlock, and now the bard and the paladin! (The classes who haven’t received UA in this round yet are wizard, druid, fighter, rogue, ranger and cleric—we’ve already covered half of the official classes!)

We’ve got a talkative bard subclass and a heroic paladin subclass in this article. Also, the survey for the sorcerer and warlock UA article is available.

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Speculation on Eberron: Rising from the Last War

A new D&D book was announced recently! Come November 19th, Eberron: Rising from the Last War will be available for purchase. This book will contain the official version of the Artificer and other Eberron content, including information relevant to running adventures in the Eberron setting.

In this post, I’m going to give a brief explanation of the Eberron setting, dig into what we already know about this book, and speculate on what else we might see!

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Looking at UA: Barbarian and Monk

This week, we got some juicy Unearthed Arcana introducing two new subclasses: one for the barbarian and one for the monk. Both of these subclasses bring some fresh flavor to these classes, enabling a player to take their character in some fun and different places than the existing class options.

I think my group is pretty excited about these options—even a few of us who don’t usually go for these classes!

In this post, I’m going to go over the content of this new UA article and discuss my impressions. I’d love to hear yours, too!

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