One bard's take on D&D and other things

Category: Review

Kickstarter: Knights of the Shadow Realm

Hi, all! This post will talk about Knights of the Shadow Realm, a Kickstarter campaign that will run to April 17th. Zac Goins reached out to me earlier with some information and a review copy of part of the campaign, and I thought it sounded pretty cool!

Knights of the Shadow Realm is a campaign for D&D 5e that can take a party from 1st to 20th level. The review module covers the first section of that campaign.

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Consent in Gaming by Monte Cook Games

Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop roleplaying games are full of unexpected situations. This is part of what makes the game fun! No matter which side of the DM’s screen you’re on, you’re never completely in control of the game. What happens is up to a combination of chance and the players at the table.

So, it’s important for everyone to be comfortable and enjoy themselves at the table.

Monte Cook Games, a company known for the Cypher System and games like Numenera, has released a free PDF called Consent in Gaming by Sean K. Reynolds and Shanna Germain. It’s available at DriveThruRPG.

With the “Tackle mature content with confidence!” tagline, Consent in Gaming aims to give players and DMs/GMs “the strategies you need to make sure everyone at the table has a great experience, even when the game goes in a challenging direction.”

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Friendly Bard Reviews: Strongholds & Followers by MCDM Productions

When I first told myself, “I’m going to Dungeon Master a game,” I had no idea what I was doing. I’d listened to one campaign and played in another, short one, but that was all the D&D experience I had. I wanted to be a good DM! I had no idea how. Thus, I found myself scouring the Internet for guidance. Among others, I found Matt Colville’s channel and his “Running the Game” series. And so, I started following his videos and other content.

Strongholds & Followers was funded by a wildly successful Kickstarter campaign that launched in early February 2018. In December, backers received the PDF in its finished form (with acknowledgement that typos would be fixed before the first printing). It is also available for purchase from the MDCM online store.

After getting the chance to read it cover-to-cover, here’s my review!

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