In this session, the party makes a plan. They venture deep beneath the capital city as part of their preparations to meet with the other group.

These posts are where I talk about the campaign I play in and our most recent session!

What’s SBotLL?

That’s the name of the campaign I play in! It’s been running for over five years now. There are two parties, one (good-aligned) who started on the surface and one (evil-aligned) in the Underdark. I play in the good-aligned squad as the elf bard Finnith, and my two friends play the dragonborn rogue Nala and the tiefling ranger Allora. The evil-aligned group is made of the changeling rogue Cipher (going as “Albion”), the tiefling monk Baala’rug, and the drow ranger Eliera.

The Underdark group has arrived on the surface, and Eliera has made it clear that she’s not backing down from her lifelong revenge quest against Finnith’s family…


Last session, the group went over the information they have on Eliera and her group. They know that they’re on the surface, and Eliera is seeking revenge against Finnith and his family. (Family drama: Finnith is Eliera’s half-brother, Eliera believed that Finnith’s father had her mother killed, but it was actually their grandfather who is now a revenant)

Finnith has informed his parents of the situation, so they’ve left Clearwater, his hometown. The party agreed that Finnith would use dream to talk to Baala’rug in hopes that Finnith could find out where their group was.

In between sessions, Finnith and Baala’rug traded some information. Finnith told Baala’rug about the Six and the information about his grandfather (a revenant sealed under Alame’a, the elven capital). In turn, Baala’rug let Finnith know that the group was on a boat to Clearwater and that they had ways to locate Finnith and his parents. Baala’rug, for his part, agreed to steer the group towards Alame’a instead of towards Finnith’s parents.

In this session…

The next morning, Finnith fills the party in on what he learned from Baala’rug. They agree that leaving Alame’a to head to Clearwater would be the best course of action, in hopes of running into Eliera’s group then. But what will they do once they meet them?

It’s unlikely that they can solve this by just talking through it. If that was possible, the issue would have already disappeared when Finnith discovered and relayed the truth of the situation to Eliera. The problem here is that Eliera doesn’t believe Finnith and still thinks their father is responsible for the death of her mother.

But, they know that Finnith’s grandfather should still be sealed beneath Alame’a. He’s a revenant determined to kill Finnith’s father, and that hasn’t happened yet, so he’s still down there, right?

If they could show this to Eliera, she may believe Finnith. The group speaks to Vindus, the wind god they’ve been helping. Vindus says that they’re close enough to his domain that he could transport the entire group—both parties—to a place the party designates beforehand. So they can go beneath the capital, find where Finnith’s grandfather is sealed, and then transport the other group back there to show Eliera later.

The group agrees on the plan. To Finnith’s chagrin, this involves traversing the dark tunnels under the city. They fight a gelatinous cube and a black pudding on their way down, but they successfully reach the spot and place the shard.

Finnith learns the password to enter and exit “the seal,” which is really an extradimensional space where Lucan Fëanor Sr.’s soul is trapped. He confirms that he can open the space but will wait until Eliera is there to enter.

With that, the party leaves and gets on the road to Clearwater.

Suddenly, two of the Six teleport in front of them—in the middle of a conversation. The party tries to talk to them. One of the Six brushes them off, the other completely ignores them, and soon after they teleport away again.

Out of character, we know that they’re just leaving from bugging the evil squad, so that’s fun! I also liked seeing a few oozes in the secret tunnels under Alame’a. Not every fight has to be difficult for your players; sometimes an easily defeated monster is fun, too.