One bard's take on D&D and other things

Month: November 2019

Changes to Race Options in Eberron: Rising from the Last War

Eberron: Rising from the Last War is here! This is a setting book for the world of Eberron, which gives a different spin to the world of Dungeons & Dragons. In this world, players can choose unique race options besides the ones presented in the Player’s Handbook—the changeling, kalashtar, shifter, and warforged.

Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron gave us the latest version of these options before Rising from the Last War, and there have definitely been some changes! In this post, we’ll talk about these updates. (This post is mainly focused on the changeling, kalashtar, shifter, and warforged options, so we won’t address any changes made to the dragonmark character options just yet.)

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